

Following clauses to be included in Declaration Certificate submitted by the PI;

Declaration Certificate:

The undersigned, Dr.

(Designation & Department) hereby declare  that  as  a  Principal  Investigator  (PI)  of  the  project  titled “

  1. I have read and agreed to the Research Impact Fund (RIF) policy and SOP’s available at ORIC section of CMH LMC & IOD website.
  2. I am a fulltime faculty member of CMH LMC & IOD.
  3. The equipment(s) I have demanded for the proposed project is / are not available in the Institute.
  4. Proportion of research project funded by HEC or any other funding agency is disclosed in the application above.
  5. The proposed project is genuinely novel and that there is no plagiarized material including self-plagiarism.
  6. I have never been blacklisted by CMH LMC & IOD or Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan.
  7. I am not executing any other funded project as PI or Co-PI of this institution or HEC which is delayed.
  8. In case I leave this institution or am relieved from my services by the institution’s higher authorities before completion of this project; I will return the amount sanctioned to me from RIF till that time, before my departure.
  9. All publications from this project will bear affiliation of author with CMH LMC & IOD.
  10. In all publications of this project, I will acknowledge funding from RIF of CMH Lahore Medical College & IOD, under the Funding Disclosure subheading in the manuscript.
  11. I agree that the decision of college higher authorities at any stage of funding will be considered final and will not be challenged in any court of law.


L-ORIC Research Impact Fund SOP’s

Proposal submission:


  1. The RIF proposals will be submitted to Mr. Mudassar Ali room no.278, 1st Floor. Phone Ext. 505 in hard and soft copy at the following email address:

(Submission Deadline: 25th January for 1st round and 30th June for 2nd round)

  1. Submission of only completed application with required documents mentioned at the end of application form.


  1. Completed applications will be forwarded for technical evaluation to RIF technical committee.


Technical Assessment Committee (TAC):

  1. RIF technical assessment committee members are as follows: (3 more members needed)
    1. Prof. Dr. Rizwana Kichlew- Chairperson- TAC
    2. Prof. Dr. Saira Atif- Director L-ORIC
    3. Prof. Dr. Ambreen Tauseef
    4. Dr. Salman Aziz
    5. Dr. Wajida Perveen


Quorum of 3 members is mandatory to review & make a decision on the submitted RIF Application.


  1. After technical assessment, only short listed applicants will be called for presentation of their research proposals.
  2. Decision about final two awardees and initial decision about programmed release of funding will be undertaken by the TAC members.


Project Assessment Committee (PAC):

  1. Two members from the TAC with at least one member of the relevant discipline of project will constitute a “Project Assessment Committee


(PAC)”. This committee will follow the project progress and ensure the release of funds accordingly.

  1. In case the applicant is a member of Technical Assessment Committee, he/she will withdraw from the committee position for that round of applications.
  2. Release of funds will be in 3 stages, as follows:
  1. 30% of the principal amount will be released immediately after approval of the project.
  2. 1st review of the project will be after 3 months of first funding episode, if the progress is satisfactory then next 30% (summing up to 60% of entire fund) will be released. In case the progress is unsatisfactory, the case will be discussed with the college higher authorities and any decision taken by them will be considered as final.
  3. Second review will be after six months of first funding. In case of satisfactory progress, remaining 40% funding (summing up to 100% of the entire fund) will be released otherwise the case will be taken to the higher authorities for further discussion & final decision.
  4. Progress of the project will be reviewed after every 3 months by the PAC, till the completion of project.
  5. In case further funding is required, the members of PAC will forward the written request of researcher to members of technical committee who will present the case to the college higher authorities for further discussion & final decision.


Grievances processing:

The researcher may submit his/her grievances in writing to the chairperson of Technical Assessment Committee within one week of the decision. The committee will address the issue within 2 weeks and communicate the final decision to the appellant in writing.