Innovation Proposals Submission
Before submitting your proposal to ORIC for registration to make a claim for invention, please ensure that you have searched the following international data base to find out whether your invention is new & novel or it has already been patented or published elsewhere.
Innovation proposal submission by first Tuesday of every month in soft copy at email address: ambreen_tauseef@cmhlahore.edu.pk and hard copy to Prof. Dr. Ambreen Tauseef at Academic Block-Medical College, Department of Physiology, Ground Floor, Room # 126, Intercom Phone Ext.460.
Submission of both soft & hard copies is mandatory.
Proposal should be submitted at following format/template:
1. Title of Invention: (name, contact details and college/university affiliations of the inventor’s)
2. Abstract: Abstract should be a brief introduction of all the technical aspects of the invention. It should not be more than one or two paragraphs.
3. Field of invention: Briefly describe what area, technology the invention is related to. For example, field of pharmaceutical preparations for the management of diabetes etc.
4. Background of invention: Explain how your invention is useful and how it has been developed. Explain the prior art (i.e. existing patents in the field), existing state of technology in the field, how your invention is novel/new from the existing prior art. If your invention solves a problem associated with the prior art, please explain the problem and how your invention solves the problem. If your invention makes an improvement in the existing technology, give a short description of the improvement.
5. Brief description of drawings: Briefly describe the drawings/illustrations that you have used to describe your invention. Explain with clearly labelled drawings/illustrations.
6. Detailed description: Provide a detailed explanation of your invention and its working with the help of drawings and illustrations. You can explain the concepts in complete detail and also describe any particular embodiments of the invention with the help of drawings/diagrams/illustrations. The explanation should be clear and described in such a manner that a person skilled in your field is able to understand it completely and reproduce your invention.
7. Claims: A precise legal statement of what is claimed in your patent.
Processing of Innovation Proposals by ORIC:
1. Innovation team of ORIC will conduct an initial evaluation in 20 days after first Tuesday of every month to check whether the claimed invention is patentable and has commercial applicability.
2. Inventor/researcher will be invited in ORIC meeting to answer any questions related to the documents provided (Innovation Committee will take 5 days to take internal decision after the ORIC meeting).
3. If Innovation committee is satisfied, Inventor will prepare the patent document in accordance with the IPO (Intellectual property organization) Pakistan guidelines. Please refer to the following link: www.ipo.gov.pk
4. ORIC will help in filing the patent document however, if professional assistance is required, a patent attorney may be consulted.